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Megan Kelley Smiles 



The specific mission of the Megan Kelley Smiles Foundation is to enhance the lives, care, and treatment of local patients between the ages of nineteen (19) and twenty-five (25), as well as their families. We provide Help, Hope, Care and Support to these families. Areas of support will include, but are not limited to:


Non-medically-related expenses such as transportation, food, and lodging. The Foundation may, at its discretion, also choose to award an annual scholarship to a local high school senior planning to attend Lurleen B. Wallace Community College.

 Megan was a gracious and kind daughter, sister, and friend to many. Born and raised in Andalusia, Alabama, she had the astounding capacity to enjoy the simpler things: fishing, spending time with friends, watching football, and listening to country music. If anyone were to describe Megan, they would comment on her glowing, infectious smile and her sweet, joyful personality.


When Megan was diagnosed with cancer in July 2013, she was about to begin her senior year

of high school. The next year and a half would prove to be the most difficult experience she and

her family had ever faced.


Megan and I spent every day of her battle together. No matter how grueling the process

became, there was not a day that we were not blessed by the staff of the hospitals and

clinics we visited.


Megan was a little too old to be admitted to Children's Hospital in Birmingham, which made

her nearly the youngest patient the staff at UAB Oncology worked with on any given day. I

watchedthem fall in love with Megan. I have observed them giving their best to her and me each 

and every day. They brought her gifts to keep her spirits up: candy of every variety, which they

knew was her favorite, blankets, socks, one nurse donated her big screen television so Megan

could watch the Alabama game. Beyond that, they met us each day with warm, caring smiles and

positive attitudes, which made all the difference to us. We too, fell in love with them, many of

whom I now consider close friends.


     The impact those people had on us during that time was invaluable. Megan was inspired to

take up that torch of service and blessing and pass it on to others. Of the many things we talked

about I recall a few...


     Safe, comfortable lodging was something the Lord provided us. Many patients at UAB come

from the farthest reaches of the state, and so we conceived that we might like to rent an

apartment in Birmingham and donate it to cancer patients and their families when they needed

it. We noticed that adult patients often do not receive the same outpouring of gifts that children

do, but their needs are no less. Megan wanted to put together gift baskets containing things for entertainment, as well as treats to brighten their day.


     I knew Megan's heart was heavy for her neighbors and fellow fighters. Still I was shocked

when after she passed, I discovered highly detailed plans on her iPad for the

"Megan Kelley Cancer Center". My child wanted to build a hospital of her own that would

perfectly meet all the needs of patients, which she knew very well from her own experiences.

There were floor plans, lists of materials and staff needed, and even interior and exterior

design plans. I was blown away by her dedication and sincere desire to help others.


   In honor of my Megan, I plan to accomplish as many of the goals we

set together as I can. Thank you for your support in this endeavor.



 --Donna Kelley, Mother

Image by Drew Beamer

The Megan Kelley Smiles Foundation is a non for profit foundation. Do you know someone in our local area undergoing cancer treatments? Do you know someone who has to go out of town to seek any type of medical treatment? Are they between the ages of 19 and 25? Do you think the Megan Kelley Smiles Foundation could help their current situation? Contact us here for more information on the next step.


You may also contact us by standard mail or phone at:


Megan Kelley Smiles Foundation

P.O. Box 1416

Andalusia, AL


1-334-235-3895 (Donna)

If mailing in a donation, please make all checks payable to:

Megan Kelley Smiles Foundation

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